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The spirit of space exploration is alive in kids! In a recent poll, 25% of children believe that they will personally travel to Mars in their lifetimes. 50% said rock climbing there will be the most fun activity. ... posted on May 25 2002, 1,199 reads


The three wealthiest people (and their families) in the world have more assets than the combined wealth of the 48 poorest countries. (Source: United Nations)... posted on May 24 2002, 819 reads


Children huddle together for warmth in the sewers of Kiev, trusting no one, but two American women who give hope to the hopeless.... posted on May 23 2002, 851 reads


19% of people in the U.S. have practiced meditation.... posted on May 22 2002, 1,070 reads


It started off as a simple and selfless act. Keith Taylor decided to simply give away a portion of his salary each month to help everyday people with basic needs. Little did he know that a humble little website created for this purpose would attract such enormous public attention and bring him so much joy.... posted on May 21 2002, 619 reads


... posted on May 20 2002, 793 reads


... posted on May 19 2002, 771 reads


Justin Rajah, calm 7-year-old, was honored as a hero for his 911 call that saved his bleeding Dad's life:... posted on May 18 2002, 546 reads


Honda's 2003 Hybrid Civic can run 600 miles on one tank and is generating excitement from consumers and environmental groups alike.... posted on May 17 2002, 517 reads


Have you heard the parable of the blind men and the elephant?
... posted on May 16 2002, 472 reads


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Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.
Helen Keller

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